Timeless Cookery

by Emma Goodwin

Health & Fitness


Master your Microbiome with the GAPS nutritional protocol. Helping frazzled Mums find their mojo to help hyper kids. Cookery School with Certified GAPS Coach Emma. Get Going with GAPS 6 week challenge * The inside info on gut health (Dr Natasha www.gaps.me) * Inspiration and Motivation for Transformation * All GAPS tools and techniques for success on Full GAPS * Cookery Demos, how tos and recipes * Meal Plan and GAPS Snacks Ebook * Online support group * 3 x 30min One to One CoachingTimeless Cookery Club - Monthly membership * Weekly live group coaching for questions - posted later * Weekly webinars to cover specific GAPS topics * Access to video library and lessons to master Full GAPSAny one who has come across GAPS will know that its the most amazing way to enjoy lush, nourishing meals that give our bodies the best building blocks to really thrive without grains and refined sugars. Real meals, with real ingredients. Meals in minutes.GAPS smoothies and juices offer the chance to cleanse and with the many other facets of the protocol work to rid our bodies of toxins so we can live our best lives. Juicing is an extraordinary way to cleanse your insides.Fermented foods have been with us for millenia. Learning to live with your gut bugs and feed them with ferments is an awesome way to stay strong. Culturing and cultivating the garden of your Microbiome brings adaptability and resilience. GAPS is the way.